La Nueva California: Latinos in the Golden State Implications for Health


David E. Hayes-Bautista, Ph.D.

Director, UCLA Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture

Professor, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

Health Services, UCLA School of Public Health

Affiliated Faculty, UCLA Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies/The Cesar E. Chavez Center for Interdisciplinary Instruction

Tuesday, March 1st,  2005
4:00 – 5:00pm
Haines Hall A18
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095

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Goals/Desired Outcomes:

The goal of this session is to inform participants about the health status and health behaviors of California Latinos in order to enable them to develop effective research for reducing health disparities among the Latino population. The demographic and contextual characteristics that are essential to understanding the health disparities in Latinos will be highlighted.



By the end of this talk, participants will be able to:

  1. Gain an understanding of health disparities in California Latinos.
  2. Recognize changes in the fertility rates of Latinos that have occurred over the last several decades.
  3. Learn sources of data that can be accessed to learn about the heath status of Latinos in the state of California.


Dr. David B. Hayes-Bautista is currently Professor of Medicine, Health Services and Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at the Schoolof Medicine, UCLA.  He graduated from UC Berkeley and completed his MA and PhD in Medical Sociology at the University of California Medical Center, San Francisco.  His research focuses on the dynamics and processes of the health of the Latino population using both quantitative data sets and qualitative observations. His Center combines these research interests with teaching of medical students, residents and practicing providers to manage the care of a Latino patient base effectively, efficiently and economically.  His publications appear in Family Medicine, the American Journal of Public Health, Family Practice, Medical Care and Salud Publica de Mexico.



Presented by UCLA Neuropsychatric Institute, a CMA-accredited provider, in association with the UCLA Center for Research, Education, Training, and Strategic Communication on Minority Health Disparities (CRETSCMHD) and the UCLA Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies and The Cesar E. Chavez Center for Interdisciplinary Instruction

UCLA BRITE Center and UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge Develop Model to Identify Areas That Should Have Priority for Vaccine, and Other COVID-19 Relief

To help slow the spread of COVID-19 and save lives, UCLA public health and urban planning experts have developed a predictive model that pinpoints which populations in which neighborhoods of Los Angeles County are most at risk of becoming infected.

The researchers hope the new model, which can be applied to other counties and jurisdictions as well, will assist decision makers, public health officials and scientists in effectively and equitably implementing vaccine distribution, testing, closures and reopenings, and other virus-mitigation measures.

The model maps Los Angeles County neighborhood by neighborhood, based on four important indicators known to significantly increase a person’s medical vulnerability to COVID-19 infection — preexisting medical conditions, barriers to accessing health care, built-environment characteristics and socioeconomic challenges.

The research data demonstrate that neighborhoods characterized by significant clustering of racial and ethnic minorities, low-income households and unmet medical needs are most vulnerable to COVID-19 infection, specifically areas in and around South Los Angeles and the eastern portion of the San Fernando Valley. Communities along the coast and in the northwestern part of the county, which are disproportionately white and higher-income, were found to be the least vulnerable.

“The model we have includes specific resource vulnerabilities that can guide public health officials and local leaders across the nation to harness already available local data to determine which groups in which neighborhoods are most vulnerable and how to prevent new infections to save lives,” said research author Vickie Mays, a professor of psychology in the UCLA College and of health policy and management at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.

Mays, who also directs the National Institutes of Health–funded UCLA BRITE Center for Science, Research and Policy, worked with urban planner Paul Ong, director of the UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge, to develop the indicators model, along with study co-authors Chhandara Pech and Nataly Rios Gutierrez. The maps were created by Abigail Fitzgibbon.

Utilizing data from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research’s California Health Interview Survey, the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and the California Department of Parks and Recreation, the researchers were able to determine how the four vulnerability indicators differentially predicted which racial and ethnic groups in Los Angeles County were the most vulnerable to infection based on their geographical residence.

Racial and ethnic groups with the highest vulnerability

  • Preexisting conditions. The authors found that 73% of Black residents live in neighborhoods with the highest rates of preexisting health conditions like diabetes, obesity and heart disease, as well as poor overall health and food insecurity. This was followed by 70% of Latinos and 60% of Cambodians, Hmongs and Laotians, or CHL. Conversely, 60% of white residents live in areas with low or the lowest vulnerability.
  • Barriers to accessing services. Forty percent of Latinos, 29% of Blacks, 22% of CHL and 16% of other Asians reside in neighborhoods with the greatest barriers to health care, characterized by high proportions of nonU.S. citizens, poorEnglish-language ability, a lack of access to computer broadband service, lower rates of health insurance and poor access to vehicles for medical purposes. Only 7% of whites live in these neighborhoods.
  • Built-environment risk. Sixty-three percent of CHL, 55% of Latinos, 53% of Blacks and 32% of whites live areas considered to be at high or the highest vulnerability due to built-environment challenges, which include high population density, crowded housing and a lack of parks and open spaces.
  • Social vulnerability. According to the Centers for Disease Control, neighborhoods with high social vulnerability are characterized by lower socioeconomic status and education attainment, a higher prevalence of single-parent and multigenerational households, greater housing density, poorer English-language ability and a lack of access to vehicles, among other factors. While only 8% of whites live in these neighborhoods, 42% of both Blacks and Latinos do, as do 38% of CHL.

How the model can help with COVID-19 mitigation efforts

“When the pandemic hit, we were slowed down by a lack of science and a lack of understanding of the ways in which health disparities in the lives of some of our most vulnerable populations made their risk of COVID-19 infection even greater,” Mays said. “We thought elderly and people in nursing homes were the most vulnerable, yet we found that lacking a number of social resources contributes to a greater likelihood of getting infected as well.”

And while nationwide statistics have shown that the virus has had a disproportionate effect on low-income communities and communities of color, knowing precisely which populations are the most vulnerable and where new infections are likely to occur is critical information in determining how to allocate scarce resources and when to open or close areas, Mays and Ong said.

If, for example, English-language ability is a barrier to accessing health information and services in a vulnerable neighborhood, health officials should develop campaigns in Spanish or another appropriate language highlighting the availability of testing, the researchers stress. If access to a car is a barrier for families in an at-risk area, walk-up testing sites should be made available. When crowded housing in a high-risk neighborhood is the predominant housing stock, testing resources should be set up for entire households and hotel vouchers made available to help with quarantining after a positive test.

The data can also provide critical knowledge and insights to social service providers, emergency agencies and volunteers on where to direct their time and resources, such as where to set up distribution sites for food and other necessities. And importantly, identifying the areas and populations with the highest vulnerability will help decision-makers equitably prioritize vaccine-distribution plans to include the most vulnerable early.

In the longer term, the researchers say, the model will also provide valuable information to urban planners so that they can target specific areas for the development of less-dense housing and more parks and open spaces, creating healthier neighborhoods that can better withstand future pandemics while promoting equity in long-term health outcomes.

Read the full study report here

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Item Response Theory Workshop

Dr. Steve Reise

Friday, February 24th 2006
12:00 – 4:30 pm
3258 Franz Hall
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1563






Item Response Theory (IRT) is a model that will facilitate the description, in probabilistic terms, of the relationship between a person’s response and some status variable such as race or gender. IRT is a very valuable method to be employed by those interested in looking at differences in response by racial/ethnic minorities and so this workshop is an excellent opportunity for participants interested in investigating health disparities in minority populations. This introductory workshop included a discussion of the basics of item response theory (IRT) modeling, including discussions of defining model parameters, model assumptions, item and test characteristic and information curves, frequently-used IRT models, and differences between traditional and IRT methods. Also included were discussions of the role of IRT modeling in health outcomes research of evaluating and developing questionnaires, identifying differential item functioning, linking instruments, developing item banks, and assessing change and critical issues for applying this methodology in health outcomes research.

Item Response Theory Workshop

Steven P. Reise, PhD

Item Response Theory (IRT) is a model that will facilitate the description, in probabilistic terms, of the relationship between a person’s response and his or her standing on the construct being measured by the scale. IRT is a very valuable method to be employed by those interested in looking at differences in response by racial/ethnic minorities and so this workshop is an excellent opportunity for participants interested in investigating health disparities in minority populations.

This introductory workshop includes a discussion of the basics of item response theory (IRT) modeling, including discussions of defining model parameters, model assumptions, item and test characteristic and information curves, frequently-used IRT models, and differences between traditional methods and IRT methods. Also included are discussions of the role of IRT modeling in health outcomes research of evaluating and developing questionnaires, identifying differential item functioning, linking instruments, developing item banks, and assessing change and critical issues for applying this methodology in health outcomes research.

The workshop is open to graduate students, post docs, faculty and researchers who are actively engaged in research in which this particular methodology would be most relevant. If you are interested in participating in this Item Response Theory workshop on Friday May 11th from 12-4:30 please send an e-mail to Include in it your name, whether you are a graduate, post doc or faculty member and your department. Please include the research question/topic which you would like to work on during the workshop, tell us whether this is a funded research project, your dissertation, master’s or independent project that you are working on alone. Your response is needed by noon on Wednesday May 2nd.

Summer Programs


Summer Programs for Undergraduate Research

The UCLA Summer Programs for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) offer upper division undergraduate students with outstanding academic potential the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects. The programs are designed for students who wish to learn more about the graduate school experience and possibly pursue an academic career in teaching and research. Opportunities are available in virtually all academic fields (e.g., arts, humanities, social sciences, life    sciences, health sciences, physical sciences, etc.).

Brain Research Institute Summer Undergraduate Research Experience

The UCLA Brain Research Institute (BRI) sponsors a summer undergraduate research experience (BRI-SURE) pathway program for students participating in the Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) and other honors research programs whose goal is to increase diversity.  This program solicits applications from students from universities and colleges across the nation. BRI-SURE Pathway is an 8 – 10 week intensive summer research-training program for exceptional students interested in pursuing research careers in Neuroscience or Physiology. The program is designed to provide a rigorous, in-depth research experience to prepare participants for top-quality Ph.D. and M.D./Ph.D. graduate programs. The BRI-SURE residential program offers a summer stipend. The BRI-SURE non-residential program does not offer a summer stipend nor any housing renumeration.

California State University Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholars Program

This program is restricted to undergraduate and master’s-level students in the California State University Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Program. The Program is designed to increase the pool of potential university faculty by supporting the doctoral aspirations of CSU students who have experienced economic and educational disadvantages. Each of the selected CSU Sally Casanova pre-doctoral scholars works closely during the academic year with a CSU faculty sponsor to develop an overall plan leading ultimately to enrollment in a doctoral program. Each of these plans is tailored to specific goals and educational objectives of the student. The Program places special emphasis on increasing the number of CSU students who enter doctoral programs at one of the University of California institutions. Summer Program includes: stipend, on-campus housing or housing allowance, meal allowance, funds toward roundtrip transportation cost, GRE test preparation, workshops and oral presentations. Click here to learn more.