Death by Discrimination?

One of my first assignments as a reporter was to interview a cartoonist who lived on Chicago’s Gold Coast, a sliver of affluence set between Lake Michigan and a nasty housing project. Killing time before the interview, I stopped at a jeweler and asked the price of a watch in the window. The manager ducked into a storeroom and led out an enormous Doberman, straining at its leash. With a snarl that matched the dog’s, she said, ”Now, may I help you?” The cartoonist was not much better. She opened the door a crack then shut it in my face.

Read the rest of this opinion editorial in which Center Director Vickie Mays, PhD is quoted here hairy girls

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Educational Materials

Health Insurance Options for Same-Sex Couples

Same-sex marriage is not recognized by the federal government, which creates complications for such couples. Here, experts give tips on navigating the health insurance marketplace.,0,3925443,full.story payday loan

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How to Tell Others That You’re Going to Protect Yourself

“I’m sorry, I’m not having guests over right now.” “Can you please wear a mask?” “You were just on vacation. I’m not comfortable seeing you right now.” “I’ve decided to put my child in daycare.” “I’ve decided to homeschool my kids.”

These are statements we may find ourselves making in an age of COVID-19. They may sound straightforward, but it can be hard to say things to others that could come off as offensive. But we all have different opinions and ways we like to keep ourselves safe.

In a new post from UCLA School of Public Health, tips from Dr Ilene Cohen on communicating your thoughts and feelings to others without feeling scared.

Related Links

Korean Youth Smoking Cessation Project


비디오 평론가가 될 때입니다! 참여하는 방법에 대한 자세한 정보를 위해 계속 읽어보세요. UCLA BRITE 센터 (Vickie Mays PhD MPH)께서 청소년 흡연의 예방에 관한 YouTube 동영상들에 대한 귀하의 의견을 듣고 싶습니다.

연구에 참여하시고 싶으신가를 묻는 양식입니다. 참여에 동의하시기 전에, 연구팀의 일원이 귀하에게 연구에 관하여 다음의 몇 가지 사항을 반드시 말씀드려야 합니다 귀하께서 관심이 있고 14세 이상이면 흡연 경험에 관한 몇 가지 질문에 대답해 주시기 바랍니다. 그런 다음 흡연에 대한 흥미로운 영상을 시청하고 해당 영상에 대해 평가를 해주시면 됩니다. 설문조사는 20~25분 정도 소요될 예정이며 설문조사를 마친 후에는 경품추첨에 참여하실 수 있습니다. 설문조사에 참여하시면 $250, $100, $75, $50 및 $25 상당의 5개 아마존 선물 카드 중 하나에 당첨될 기회가 주어집니다. 참여가 빠르면 빠를수록 250달러의 Amazon 선물 카드에서 당첨될 확률이 높아집니다. 250 달러짜리 선물 카드는 처음 2주간 참여해주신 분들 한에서 추첨이 됩니다. 나머지 경품들은 다음 4주 동안 1주에 1개씩 수여 됩니다. 100 달러짜리 선물 카드는 3번째 주 마지막 날에, 75달러짜리는 4번째 주 마지막 날에, 50달러짜리는 5번째 주 마지막 날에, 그리고 25달러짜리는 6번째 주 마지막 날에 추첨이 됩니다!

참여에 관심이 있으시면 다음을 읽고 링크를 클릭하십시오! 동의서

UCLA Brite 센터에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 웹 페이지를 확인하십시오



Please click above for the English or Korean survey (한국어 설문 조사를 보려면 위의 클릭하십시오)


It’s time to be a video critic!! Keep reading for more info on how to take part!
The UCLA BRITE Center (Vickie Mays PhD MPH) is interested in getting your thoughts on YouTube videos about smoking cessation in youth.

If interested and aged 14 and older, you will be asked to answer some questions about yourself and your smoking history. You will then get to watch some cool videos about smoking and rate aspects about them. You will be able to complete the survey in 20-25 minutes or less and you can be eligible for the chance to win, if you participate, for the chance to win one of five Amazon gift cards valued at $250, $100, $75, $50, and $25. The earlier you participate, the more likely you will be to win the $250 Amazon gift card.

The $250 gift card will be raffled off two weeks from the start of the survey. The remaining prizes will be awarded one per week for the next four weeks. The $100 gift card will be raffled at the end of the third week, the $75 gift card at the end of the fourth week, the $50 gift card at the end of the fifth week, and the $25 gift card at the end of the sixth week!

If interested in participating, please first read our Consent Form before continuing to the survey

For more information about the UCLA Brite Center, please check out our webpage